ICE OUT! Courtesy of Doug Thompson
It's that time once again !
The last of the lake ice has turned into slush around Victoria, St. Helena's and North Morris Islands.
People started asking me a week ago when I thought the ice would go and I said, “around the 20th”, because the nights were down to minus 10C and days barely above zero. The two inches of rain we got on April 5th caused a lot of road damage as the ground was still frozen.
On the 12th, the temperature hit 25C, yesterday and today were in the 30's and that did it. I'm calling it the 14th of April for 2023.
Our first snow was November 16th and by December 30th we'd received 46 inches. (18 inches on December 25 and 26). January to March 4th, we got only 26 inches making a total of 72 for the winter. (Last year 61 and the year before 68)
In the last half of December our Hydro went out twice for several hours each time, and then again the beginning of January leaving us not only with no lights but no furnace or running water! (I'm not a camper!)
Temperatures were mild again this year. December's coldest was the 13th at minus 18C. January 31st got down to minus 22C and February 3 hit minus 33C. But by February 5th it was plus 4C. Only one night all winter got into the minus 30's. The lake froze over on January 8th (last year the 3rd) and by the 24th we had 5 inches in Deep Bay (not very much at all!) By March 3rd we had 11 inches in Deep Bay and mid lake by Victoria Island. March 28th both spots measured 13 inches.